Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe

ICT | "Holographic display imaging interface" 

Project promoter UAB GLUK MEDIA
Project name "Touchable holographic imaging interface"
Project code LT07-1-EIM-02-016
Funding 183 015,46 Eur
Project partners Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas (LT), International Development Norway AS (NO) 

Nowadays there is a growing need to abandon the touch surfaces, buttons or screens of various devices, especially in public places. However, when using everyday devices like elevators or ATM screens, such physical interactions are inevitable.

Project aims
› Create a touchable holographic imaging interface that allows you to change the touch screens currently on the market. The technology being developed will cover a wide range of holographic displays that can be adapted to a variety of conditions, even harsh ones;
› This technology is particularly relevant to the public sector, healthcare-related services, industry and manufacturing to ensure the spread of viruses.

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