
Development of Home visitation early intervention model
Development of Home visitation early intervention model Project promoter: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Project tittle: Development of Home visitation early intervention model

Project code: LT03-2-SAM-TF-002
Development and implementation of the Well-being Advisers model
Development and implementation of the Well-being Advisers model Project promoter: Lithuania University of Health Sciences
Project tittle: Development and implementation of the Well-being Advisers model
Project code: LT03-1-SAM-TF-002
Multidimensional Approach to Children and Youth Behavioural Problems through Implementation of the MDFT Programme
Multidimensional Approach to Children and Youth Behavioural Problems through Implementation of the MDFT Programme Project promoter: State Child Rights Protection and Adoption ServiceProject tittle: Multidimensional Approach to Children and Youth Behavioural Problems through Implementation of the MDFT Programme Project code: LT03-1-SADM-TF-001
Project promoter: The Register of Real Cultural Heritage
Project title: Fixus
Project code: LT04-2-KM-TF-001
Adjustment and Coordination of Youth-friendly Health Care Service Provision Model at Nation Level
Adjustment and Coordination of Youth-friendly Health Care Service Provision Model at Nation Level
Project promoter: Health Education and Disease Prevention Centre
Project tittle: Adjustment and Coordination of Youth-friendly Health Care Service Provision Model at Nation Level
Project code: LT03-1-SAM-TF-001
Increasing the Quality, Services and Infrastructure in Lithuanian Courts
Justice and Home Affairs
Increasing the Quality, Services and Infrastructure in Lithuanian Courts Project promoter: National Courts Administration
Project title: Increasing the Quality, Services and Infrastructure in Lithuanian Courts
Project code: LT06-1-NTA-TF-001
Building up Modern and Open Prosecution Service in the Republic of Lithuania
Justice and Home Affairs
Building up Modern and Open Prosecution Service in the Republic of Lithuania
Project promoter: Prosecutor General's Office of the Respublic of Lithuania
Project tittle: Bulding up Modern Open Prosecution Service in the Respublic of Lithuania Project code: LT06-1-GP-TF-001
Creation of an interactive platform for efficient and balanced energy generation planning
Environment, Energy, Climate Change
Creation of an interactive platform for efficient and balanced energy generation planning Project promoter: Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania
Project title: Creation of an interactive platform for efficient and balanced energy generation planning
Project code: LT05-3-EM-TF-001
Strengthening of Inter-agency Cooperation and Increasing of Crime Investigation Quality in the Lithuanian Police
Justice and Home Affairs
Strengthening of Inter-agency Cooperation and Increasing of Crime Investigation Quality in the Lithuanian Police Project promoter: Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
Project title: Strengthening of Inter-agency Cooperation and Increasing of Crime Investigation Quality in the Lithuanian Police
Project code: LT06-4-VRM-TF-001
Improving Work Quality and Enhancing Competences of the Justice Chain to Protect Victims of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence
Justice and Home Affairs
Improving Work Quality and Enhancing Competences of the Justice Chain to Protect Victims of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Project promoter: Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
Project title: Improving Work Quality and Enhancing Competences of the Justice Chain to Protect Victims of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence
Project code: LT06-3-VRM-TF-001
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