Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe

EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 programme period


On 28th July 2010 the European Union, Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway signed the agreements on the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norwegian Financial Mechanism assistance for 15 countries in Eastern, Central and Southern Europe for the new period of 2009-2014. During the new period Lithuania will be granted:

  • EUR 35.5 million under the EEA Financial Mechanism
  • EUR 42.1 million - under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (7.5% of assistance will be used by the Donor States to cover their administrative costs).

The Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism in Lithuania was signed on 5 April 2011.

The Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation of the EEA Financial mechanism in Lithuania was signed on 18 May 2011.

Every Beneficiary State have to carry out evaluations of programmes to assess actual and/or expected effects at the outcome level.
In order to evaluate the implementation process, relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the 2009-2014 EEA and Norway Grants in Lithuania, private limited company UAB "BGI Consulting", upon the request of the Lithuanian National Focal Point, conducted the interim evaluation of the Grants. The evaluation covered 12 programmes: LT02 “Integrated Marine and Inland Water Management”, LT03 “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”, LT05 “Children and Youth at Risk”, LT06 “Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural Heritage”, LT07 “Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage”, LT08 “EEA Scholarship Programme”, LT09 “Green Industry Innovation”, LT10 “Capacity-Building and Institutional Cooperation with Norwegian Public Institutions, Local and Regional Authorities”, LT11 “Public Health Initiatives”, LT12 “Schengen Cooperation and Combating Cross-Border and Organised Crime, Including Trafficking and Itinerant Criminal Groups”, LT13 “Efficiency, Quality and Transparency in Lithuanian Courts”, and LT14 “Correctional Services, Including Non-Custodial Sanctions”. It also included the evaluation of efficiency of the Grants management and control system and bilateral relations between donor countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and Lithuania.
>> Electronic version of the Evaluation Report
>> Electronic version of the Evaluation Report Summary


In order to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the 2009-2014 EEA and Norway Grants in Lithuania, private limited company ESTEP Vilnius UAB, upon the request of the Lithuanian National Focal Point, conducted the final evaluation of the Grants. The evaluation aimed at measuring the effectiveness and impact of the Financial Mechanisms and providing conclusions and recommendations on how to ensure the sustainability of their implementation (results/impact) and strengthen cooperation between Lithuania and the donor countries. The evaluation covered 12 programmes: LT02 “Integrated Marine and Inland Water Management”, LT03 “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”, LT05 “Children and Youth at Risk”, LT06 “Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural Heritage”, LT07 “Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage”, LT08 “EEA Scholarship Programme”, LT09 “Green Industry Innovation”, LT10 “Capacity-Building and Institutional Cooperation with Norwegian Public Institutions, Local and Regional Authorities”, LT11 “Public Health Initiatives”, LT12 “Schengen Cooperation and Combating Cross-Border and Organised Crime, Including Trafficking and Itinerant Criminal Groups”, LT13 “Efficiency, Quality and Transparency in Lithuanian Courts”, and LT14 “Correctional Services, Including Non-Custodial Sanctions”.
>> Electronic version of the Evaluation Report
>> Electronic version of the Evaluation Report Summary

A call for Travel Support under the “Social Dialogue – Decent Work” programme has been published on the following LINK. The objective of the Travel Support is to facilitate establishment of bilateral partnerships between eligible entities in the Beneficiary States and Norway with the intent to prepare joint project applications for funding under the Programme. 

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