Adaption and implementation of Incredible Years Programme in Lithuania
Project promoter: The Institute of Hygiene
Project title: Adaption and implementation of Incredible Years Programme in Lithuania
Project code: LT03-2-SAM-TF-001
Eligible project costs: maximum eligible costs of the project up to EUR 1 741 744,00, of which up to EUR 1 480 482,46 is Mechanism funds and up to EUR 261 261,54 is budget funds.
Project contract date: 12 December 2019
Project implementation period: 14 November 2019 – 14 November 2023
Project description:
The aim of the project is to strengthen positive parenting skills by Implementing Incredible Years Program Module in Lithuania. Why is it needed? In Lithuania we do not have enough services, which could fulfil needs of families with children having behavioural problems. The child psychiatry available offers treatments that are often excessive, such as prescriptions of medication or hospitalization. For instance, within one year, hospitalization of children due to mental disorders drastically increased by more than 25% (from 4324 to 5412 in 2016-2017). Many of the children and young people who need the most help, do not get it at all. That is why we need more evidence-based early intervention programs. The implementation of the “Incredible Years” Project could and will help to promote evidence-based, cost-effective interventions that develop positive parent-child relationships and assist in preventing and treating behaviour problems as well as promoting social, emotional, and academic competence before a child becomes an adult.
What will be done to ensure the value of the project?
The aim of the Project will be reached through the following activities:
- purchasing and adaptation of 2 the Incredible Years training Program modules: (1) “Preschool Basic Parent Program” and (2) “School Age Basic Parenting Training Program”;
- selection of the most suitable candidates to become group leaders of the Program and organization of group leaders’ trainings, seeking to ensure the provision of high-quality services in the following stages of the Project implementation;
- planning, organization and implementation of parents’ trainings.
Target groups of the project are: specialists working with children or parents, e.g. social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, public health specialists, special education teachers, etc.; parents of children with behavioural problems and finally, the most important target group is children, who need help.