Increasing the availability of primary health care services in Public Institution “Centro poliklinika” through home visits based on early intervention.
Project promoter: Public Institution “Centro poliklinika”
Project title: Increasing the availability of primary health care services in Public Institution “Centro poliklinika” through home visits based on early intervention.
Project code: LT03-2-SAM-K03-007
Project eligible expenditure: 69 572,47 (EUR 59 136,60 grant from the EEA Financial Mechanism and EUR 10 435,87 budget co-financing).
Project signature date: 23 December 2021
Project implementation period: 23 December 2021 - 30 April 2024
The aim of the project: Increasing access to primary health care by improving prevention and reducing health inequalities.
Project tasks:
1. To train a family attendance specialist to provide family visitation services according to the model of family attendance with early intervention services.
2. To purchase the equipment needed to provide a family attendance service.
3. To provide family attendance service for at least 25 families from the 22nd week of pregnancy until the child is 2 years old.
What will be done while implementing the project?
The introduction of the Home Visits Model for Early Intervention Services in Vilnius city municipality and Vilnius district municipality is expected to improve the health and social well-being of mothers and children, increase the number of breastfeeding babies and the volume of infant vaccinations. The project will help reduce the number of pregnant women who smoke, who have high blood pressure, and reduce the number of pregnancies the second time before the first child is 2 years old.
The project will also contribute to a reduction in the number of families at social risk by the end of the year due to a lack of parental childcare skills, improved female participation in the labor market and a reduction in maternal crime.
Target group for the direct benefit of the project: Pregnant women, women giving birth and mothers raising children under two years of age, children under 2 years of age who live in Vilnius city or Vilnius district municipality.
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