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Strengthening the mental health of children and youth and improving the availability of services in educational institutions of Švenčioniai district

Project promoter:Švenčioniai district municipality administration
Project title:Strengthening the mental health of children and youth and improving the availability of services in educational institutions of Švenčioniai district
Project code: LT03-2-SAM-K01-014
Eligible project coasts: maximum eligible cost of the project up to 146 110,55 Eur, of which up to 102 534,54 EUR grant is EEA mechanism grant funds, up to 18 094,33 EUR is national of co-financing and 25 481,68 EUR – project promoter own resourses)

Project contract day: 20 April 2020
Project implementation period: 20 April 2020 – 30 September 2023

The aim of the project There are 10 public health offices  in the educational institutions of Śvenčioniai district. Most of them are in good condition, but a few are in extremely poor condition. Simple repairs are planned for 3 health rooms in pre-school and school education institutions, and it is planned to equip all health rooms with methodological tools. In implementing this project, the aim is to improve the working conditions of health specialists in educational institutions: essential attention will be paid to the acquisition of methodological tools and simple repairs which are also intended to make health offices more attractive to users and visitors. The health offices will be renovated, fully adapted to the functions performed by public health specialists, will become visually more attractive and functional. It is planned to purchase methodological tools for health promotion and prevention in order for health specialists to have sufficient methodological means to distribute information, carry out preventive activities, provide assistance to children and youth.

After the implementation of this project, the value and significance of health offices in the life of preschool and school children and youth will be significantly increased, children's interest in preventive activities will be increased through innovative games and unusual methods. Special importance is given to persons experiencing social exclusion, whose self-confidence must be supported and strengthened. After the implementation of this project, suitable conditions will be created for health care specialists to work in health care offices, the availability of public health care services will improve, the number of health care service recipients will increase and this will in the long run provide added value - the creation and nurturing of a healthy environment in these institutions, municipalities, better children physical and mental health, healthier lifestyle of young people, parents, teachers, educators and other visitors.

Target group of the project: children and youth up to 18 years
Project partners: Švenčioniai district municipality public health bureau

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