Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe

The app for children with language disorders to integrate into society

Project promoter: LLC “Nareka”

Project title: The app for children with language disorders to integrate into society

Project code: LT03-2-SADM-K01-025
Project eligible expenditure: EUR 239 476,67 (EUR 203 555,17 grant from the EEA Financial Mechanism and EUR 35 921,50 budget co-financing)
Project signature date:30 June 2021
Project implementation period:30 June 2021 – 1 March 2023 The LingoLT mobile app, a new and effective method for improving the well-being of children with language disorders and their families will be tested and inplemented during the project. It is a free tool to use on a phone or tablet that systematically changes or maintains natural language and creates alternative communication between a child with a speech disorder and his or her immediate environment.

The aim of the project: to test and introduce the mobile app LingoLT for children with developmental disorders, especially speech or autism spectrum disorders, to communicate, be heard and understood.

The project tasks: To carry out a study on the distribution of children with language disorders in municipalities; and the applicability of the LingoLT app; To present the app by organizing educational events-trainings in Lithuanian municipalities; Try and introduce the mobile app LingoLT all over Lithuania.

Project benefit: LingoLT mobile app developed by “Nareka” is an innovative method for use on a phone or tablet computer.
It systematically replaces or maintains natural language and creates alternative communication between a child with a language disorder and his or her immediate environment (family, educators, friends).

Results expected after testing the app in the target group and implementing it in Lithuania:
  • richer, more frequent social interactions of children with language disorders;
  • increased autonomy and decision-making power in their lifes;
  • improved information sharing with healthcare and other institutions;
  • improved physical and mental health
  • deeper social roles of children with developmental disorders: as a family member, friend, part of society, etc.;

The continuity and impact of the project will be ensured after the end of the project - LingoLT will be available and supported in the app stores Google Play and App Store

Target groups of the project: Children with developmental disorders (speech or autism spectrum disorders) who have difficulty speaking and expressing themselves; their parents and family members, friends, psychologists, special educators, educational support professionals, the local community, society.

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