Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe


Nonviolent Communication - the Language of Life (NVC)

Project promoter: Social Integration Center
Project title: Nonviolent Communication - the Language of Life (NVC)
Project code: LT03-2-SADM-K01-034
Project eligible expenditure: EUR 235 132,00 (EUR 179 875,98 grant from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism; EUR 31 742,82 Lithuanian budget co-financing; EUR 23 513,20 – the Project Promoter co-financing)
Project signature date: 23 June 2021
Project implementation period: 23 June 2021 – 27 December 2023

The project goal is the assurance of the well-being of children and youth and their families, and social inclusion strengthening in Lithuania implementing the certificated NVC methodology.

The project summary:

Norway Nonviolent Communication methodology, created by the USA conflict mediator, clinical psychologist Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, will be implemented with this project in Lithuania. Also the NVC methodology - applicable for improvement of social behaviour, interpersonal and social relations, conflict resolution, and prevention of violence, electronic publication will be prepared. 

Empirical research, applying quantitative and qualitative research  studying NVC methodology effect on children/youths and families will be done in Lithuania. A pilot training for 25 children and youths and 15 family members will be organised. 75 children/youths and 30 family members will participate in NVC training. Experts will train 80 local specialists/support providers to apply NVC methodology working with:
  • children/youth, having delinquent behaviour, behavioural and (or) emotional difficulties or disorders, mental disabilities, developmental disorders; 
  • family (including extended family);
  • child/youth environment: child care institution, family households school, child/youth friends.
Specialists would be able to apply the NVC whole working in child care institutions, schools, family households, educational support, probation services, socialization centers, Child Right Protection Services, non-governmental organizations, social service institutions.
Scientific article will be prepared and published; the international practical-scientific conference and social events in municipalities will be organized for the dissemination of the applying the NVC methodology results.

Target groups of the project: 
- Local specialists / service providers who will be trained on how to apply the NVC methodology: probation service psychologists, officers, mediators; child care institutions, family psychologists, special pedagogues, occupational therapists, social pedagogues, social workers, social workers' assistants; specialists in schools and educational support services; psychologists, educators, etc. of socialization centers; specialists of the Child Rights Protection Service; specialists of NGOs, social service institutions.
- Children and young people with high-risk behaviors and/or from disadvantaged backgrounds; predisposed to delinquent behavior and having already committed any kind of breach of the law affected by adverse environmental factors; emotional crisis (14-24 years). Children with emotional and / or behavioral difficulties or disorders (12-18 years). Young people with mental and/or psychical disabilities, developmental disorders (14-21 years). Family of child / young person (including extended family): parents (adoptive parents), close relatives (grandparents) living together, raising children and young people at high risk.

Project partners:
 Lithuanian Probation Service and Empathos partners (Kingdom of Norway)

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