Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe

Religion and Gender Equality: Baltic and Nordic Developments

Project promoter: Vytautas Magnus University
Project title: Religion and Gender Equality: Baltic and Nordic Developments
Project code: LT08-1-ŠMSM-K01-011 (Project contract No S-BMT-21-4 (LT08-2-LMT-K-01-036))
Project eligible expenditure: EUR 734375 (EUR 624218,75 grant from the EEA Financial Mechanism and EUR 110156,25 budget co-financing) 
Project signature date: 4 December 2020
Project implementation period: 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2023
Project partners: 
University of Oslo (NO)
University of Latvia (LV)
University of Tartu (EE)

Project website

Project summary:
The aim of the project is to investigate the role of religion in the implementation of gender equality in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Norway.
Gender equality is widely acknowledged as a condition for sustainable social and economic development and the welfare state. However, the understanding and meaning of gender equality is undergoing shifts and remains a constantly contested issue. Religion is one of the central factors contributing to the meaning and implementation of gender equality in modern society, because religions present and develop distinctive gender ideologies in their teachings and practices.
The ReliGen project’s researchers from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Norway analyse the developments within religious groups related to issues of gender equality, examine the role of religions in the construction of public discourse on gender equality, and explore the reflections of gender equality in the measures of religious socialization. 
The project’s results, which are publicized as presentations in international scientific conferences and international publications, expand the scientific knowledge about the role of religion within the structures and practices of gender relations in the modern society, with a particular focus on the Baltic states and their socio-historic experience. The research results are also presented at events dedicated to the social partners, where knowledge is provided to the state and public organisations that implement gender equality policies. Thanks to this, the scientific knowledge on the interaction between religion and gender equality broadened by the project as well as the promotion of the research results contribute to the empowerment and inclusion of various social groups and to the advancement of sustainable development.

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