Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe


Green Industry Innovations | "Development of an innovative complex predictive maintenance system EA-Predictive"

Project promoter UAB ENERGY ADVICE
Project name "Development of an innovative integrated predictive care system EA-Predictive"
Project code LT07-1-EIM-01-006
Funding 1 142 621,04 Eur
Project partners Vakarų Norvegijos taikomųjų mokslų universitetas (NO)

Predictive Maintenance (PdM) is currently the most advanced method of production maintenance, intended to monitor production processes remotely in real time. The sensors installed in the technological equipment capture a wide range of data (e.g. temperature, vibration, conductivity, etc.). Remote monitoring is implemented by connecting the IoT sensor device to the monitoring software. The information system, placed in the clouds, analyzes historical and real-time data and, with the help of algorithms, is able to predict possible failures and disturbances and assess the need for maintenance. Machine learning technology can increase the accuracy of predictive algorithms and achieve even better results.

Project aims› To develop EA-Predictive, an innovative complex predictive maintenance system based on a unique methodology that allows efficient management of not only production, but also energy and management processes;
› To focus primarily on the energy-intensive chemical, wood, and food industries, though the system modules being developed will be universal and can be adapted to other industries. This system will be more technologically advanced than others on the market since it will be able to model all of the company's processes and boost production productivity.

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