Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe


Green Industry Innovations | "Innovative green energy generation and storage solutions for e-transport"

Project promoter UAB SOLI TEK R&D
Project name "Innovative green electricity production and storage technologies for e-transport"
Project code LT07-1-EIM-01-018
Funding 2 561 145,05 Eur
Project partners VšĮ Perspektyvinių technologijų taikomųjų tyrimų institutas PROTECH (LT), Nepriklausomų tyrimų centras SINTEF AS (NO)

Due to higher environmental standards and public policies on clean energy, the market for renewable electricity and electric vehicles is expanding, and the demand for new solutions is increasing. In the future, transportation will require an increasing amount of electricity and renewable energy alternatives. The project's major purpose is to bring these locations together and test four prototypes in real time (light photovoltaic module prototype, light photovoltaic folding PV power plant prototype, mobile electric car charging station prototype, next generation autonomous bus stop / pavilion prototype). The goal of innovation is to make renewable electricity technologies more efficient to utilize and develop.

Project aims
› Creation, implementation and development of innovative energy generation and storage system technologies.
› Contribution to more efficient use of renewable electricity in the public and private transport sectors by developing green energy and reducing GHG emissions.

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