Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe


ICT | “SMART FALCON - autonomous data collection platform“

Project promoter UAB AISPECO
Project name “Smart Falcon: Platform for Autonomous Data Collection“
Project code LT07-1-EIM-02-007
Funding 1 486 246,69 Eur
Project partners eSmart Systems (NO) 

The autonomous Smart Falcon data collection platform developed by AISPECO is designed for mounting on fast-moving objects such as drones, cars or helicopters. The innovation operating system is based on artificial intelligence, which will allow high-quality analysis of data in real or near real time.

Project aims› Create the next generation of Smart Falcon autonomous data acquisition platform, a powerful yet miniaturized sensor management and operation system. When mounted on a fast-moving or flying object such as a car, helicopter or drone, data will be collected and analyzed using artificial intelligence;› During the R&D practices, technology synthesis and application activities will be carried out by combining the artificial intelligence solutions of the partner eSmart Systems with the engineering system developed by AISPECO.

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