
Decommissioning of the Ignalina NPP: a unique international project completed
Environment, Energy, Climate Change
Decommissioning of the Ignalina NPP: a unique international project completed

During the decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP), particular attention is paid to the safe management of various types of radioactive waste. Furthermore, such projects are also supported by international programmes. The project "Enhancing the safety of radioactive waste management at the INPP", which was largely financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, has been completed.

2024 04 24 00:00

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Changes to the terms and conditions of the call for proposals for reimbursement of research visits to donor countries Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway
Fund for bilateral relations
Changes to the terms and conditions of the call for proposals for reimbursement of research visits to donor countries Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway

The Research Council of Lithuania reminds you of the call for applications for reimbursement research visits to Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway and informs you about the changes in the conditions of the call.

2024 02 13 18:59

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On International Climate Change Day, we share valuable climate change projections for Lithuania by 2100
Environment, Energy, Climate Change
On International Climate Change Day, we share valuable climate change projections for Lithuania by 2100

The future climate depends largely on the socio-economic development of humanity - how much greenhouse gas emissions will change, how the world's population will change, whether forest cover will increase and what measures countries will take to reduce pollution from their industries, etc.

2024 01 19 11:09

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Changes to the terms and conditions of the call for proposals for reimbursement of research visits to donor countries Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway
Changes to the terms and conditions of the call for proposals for reimbursement of research visits to donor countries Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway

The Research Council of Lithuania reminds you of the call for applications for reimbursement research visits to Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway and informs you about the changes in the conditions of the call.

2023 12 20 09:51

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Prisoner Karolis's open interview: in freedom I had nothing, but behind bars I lost everything
Justice and Home Affairs
Prisoner Karolis's open interview: in freedom I had nothing, but behind bars I lost everything

Karolis, just 27 years old, is currently serving his sentence in Pravieniškės Prison No.1, a Norwegian-style TOG unit. Currently, 11 inmates have the opportunity to be here.

2023 12 15 19:33

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Multidimensional family therapy - helping adolescents with behavioural difficulties and their families
Multidimensional family therapy - helping adolescents with behavioural difficulties and their families

"In the face of any difficulties, it is important to believe, to trust, and change is always possible", say the practitioners of the unique Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) Programme in Lithuania. The State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Security and Labour and the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities

2023 12 01 14:05

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Gaining ground in the combat against domestic violence
Justice and Home Affairs
Gaining ground in the combat against domestic violence

Numbers tell stories. Domestic violence, predominantly against women, remains pervasive throughout the EU and is estimated to affect 1 in 3 women . When authorities are called to deal with domestic violence, every link in the chain — from police officers first on the scene, to investigators, prosecutors and judges — is vital. If one link is missing, the scales of justice teeter.

2023 11 24 00:00

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Kamariškės Manor revives and invites you to create and live slowly
Kamariškės Manor revives and invites you to create and live slowly

Kamariškės Manor, located in the Zarasai district, on the border between Lithuania and Latvia, has long been a completely neglected cultural heritage site. The manor is finally coming back to life and is being opened to the public thanks to the efforts of Innovators' Valley and the support of the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism.

2023 11 03 16:28

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Prison officers: we would never have believed that inmates would greet each other in freedom
Justice and Home Affairs
Prison officers: we would never have believed that inmates would greet each other in freedom

If you want to become a correctional officer in Lithuania, you won't find the word "tough" or "overbearing" in a job advert, no matter how pervasive the film-soaked image of a ruthless officer is. Officers at Vilnius Prison stress the importance of communicating with inmates and emphasise that if you try to understand rather than punish, it is easier for everyone in prison.

2023 08 30 16:52

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