
An electronic tool based on a validated methodology will make it easier to identify hazardous waste
Environment, Energy, Climate Change
An electronic tool based on a validated methodology will make it easier to identify hazardous waste

The Methodology for the Identification and Classification of Hazardous Wastes approved by the Minister of the Environment and the related changes to the Waste Management Regulations are launched.

2023 07 26 10:50

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Interactive map and dashboard to help municipalities prepare for climate change
Environment, Energy, Climate Change
Interactive map and dashboard to help municipalities prepare for climate change

Employees of municipalities, other institutions, organisations and citizens can now use a new tool - an interactive map and a dashboard - to see how the climate will change in every municipality in Lithuania by 2100.The tool is expected to help municipalities adapt to climate change and to prepare for emergencies.

2023 06 27 10:34

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Midsummer Festival begin in Tauragė with the 12-metre-long Wreath of Culture
Midsummer Festival begin in Tauragė with the 12-metre-long Wreath of Culture

On 23 June, in Tauragė, the Lithuanian Capital of Culture, the most impressive and brightest Culture Wreath will be lit. The installation, created by the talented light artist Arvydas Buinauskas, will entertain the citizens and guests who decide to visit the Lithuanian Capital of Culture in the Castle Square throughout the weekend.

2023 06 23 16:14

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We have a huge impact on the world's and Lithuania's waters
Environment, Energy, Climate Change
We have a huge impact on the world's and Lithuania's waters

Today, World Oceans Day, is a good opportunity to remember that we have a huge influence on the world's waters and we need to protect and clean them.

2023 06 08 10:07

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Creativity Techniques for Communication Specialists
Creativity Techniques for Communication Specialists

On the first day of summer, the Ministry of Finance invited communication specialists, who promote the European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms in Lithuania, to talk about the importance of creativity.

2023 06 06 13:32

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Norwegian good practice has a positive impact on the development of new directions in probation
Justice and Home Affairs
Norwegian good practice has a positive impact on the development of new directions in probation

This spring's probation season was "closed" on 22-25 May with a practical visit to the Oslo Probation Service.

2023 06 05 16:32

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Culture not only in the country's big cities, but also beyond them
Culture not only in the country's big cities, but also beyond them

When the European Economic Area (EEA) Culture Programme partners from Norway and Brussels visited Lithuania, we visited and proudly showcased some of the projects that are making this goal a reality. Summer is here, you can visit it too.

2023 06 01 15:53

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A disorder that affects almost 15% of children - parents often don't even suspect the cause of poor learning
A disorder that affects almost 15% of children - parents often don't even suspect the cause of poor learning

Almost 15%, or 50,000 Lithuanian schoolchildren have a specific learning disability - dyslexia, dysgraphia or dyscalculia. From a neuroscientific point of view, dyslexia is a disorder in which a person's neural connections code and reproduce information differently. Different doesn't mean better or worse, different means different from what most people are used to. From an educa

2023 05 31 14:32

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Gratulerer til våre partnere!
Gratulerer til våre partnere!

Today, Norway celebrates 209 years of independence. Although Norway is not a member of the European Union, together with the countries of the Old Continent it is building a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. Norway supports Lithuania's economic and social development. Since 2004, Lithuania has received almost €270 million in funding from the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway. With this support, Lithuania and Norway are strengthening ties in th

2023 05 17 00:00

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As the Chernobyl disaster is remembered, every effort is being made to ensure that history does not repeat itself
Environment, Energy, Climate Change
As the Chernobyl disaster is remembered, every effort is being made to ensure that history does not repeat itself

Exactly 37 years ago, on 26 April 1986, a cloud of radioactive material covered Europe. But for 36 hours after the event, the population was left in the dark, which experts say was one of the biggest mistakes in the response to the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The delay in informing at the time meant catastrophic consequences. To prevent a repetition, every effort is being made toda

2023 04 26 09:51

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