
We apologize to all news site subscribers - temporary technical issues
We apologize to all news site subscribers - temporary technical issues

Due to temporary technical issues, from the late evening of the 16th of December, all subscribers to the site’s news (especially event calendar updates) reach an intense flow of systematic emails. We ask all subscribers for a little patience - the bug is being handled.

2020 12 17 10:03

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Cluster experts: Too many high-level companies collaborate only locally
Business Development, Innovation and SMEs
Cluster experts: Too many high-level companies collaborate only locally

With the pooling of knowledge and experience, companies implementing information and communication technology (ICT) solutions are increasingly clustering.

2020 12 10 11:00

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Opportunities for partnership: in the field of ICT with Norwegian companies
Business Development, Innovation and SMEs
Opportunities for partnership: in the field of ICT with Norwegian companies

Bilateral partnership is no longer new nowadays, joint projects promote mature business relationships and useful mutual insights and experiences in business. Lithuania and Norway are linked by a growing focus on sustainable and socially responsible business.

2020 12 08 11:00

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Telling about investing in strengthening the justice system through artistic installations
Justice and Home Affairs
Telling about investing in strengthening the justice system through artistic installations

“Justice obliges for never stopping”, “People change, not borders”, “A fair, open, responsible and modern court closer to everyone”, the message that has already been embedded by the Lithuanian Police – “Defend. Protect. Help” – all these slogans have already found their place this week near the buildings of justice in Kaunas and Š

2020 12 03 15:48

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Digitization – is it important in the construction sector?
Business Development, Innovation and SMEs
Digitization – is it important in the construction sector?

Smart and sustainable - this is the future of the construction sector. Norwegian company Rebartek has developed a unique innovation - robotic reinforcement installation technology, which allows construction companies to optimize processes and reduce human resource costs.

2020 12 02 11:00

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Niche opportunities: has artificial intelligence gained business confidence in Lithuania?
Business Development, Innovation and SMEs
Niche opportunities: has artificial intelligence gained business confidence in Lithuania?

With the growing influence of technology and the potential of artificial intelligence (AI), companies are exploring how to integrate algorithms into their processes and solutions. "There is no doubt that DI technology today can meet three important business needs: business process automation, data analysis, and collaboration with customers and employees," says MITA l.e.p. director Gintas Kimtys.

2020 11 25 11:00

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Investing in the Norwegian market: what to expect from a "Scandinavian" business partner?
Business Development, Innovation and SMEs
Investing in the Norwegian market: what to expect from a "Scandinavian" business partner?

For several decades, Norwegian business has been willing to choose Lithuania. The trend observed today shows that the companies of our country are also moving more and more boldly from the individual to the cooperative model, and it is in this Scandinavian country that investment is being sought.

2020 11 19 11:00

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ICT perspective after the pandemic – is it worth it?
Business Development, Innovation and SMEs
ICT perspective after the pandemic – is it worth it?

It has been technology and communications that helped the society to stay operational and effective during the Covid-19 pandemic. During and afterwards, an increase in digitalization can be seen when speaking about work no matter if seen from a worker’s or an employer’s perspective.

2020 11 17 11:00

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For digital developers – a new call from Norway Grants
Business Development, Innovation and SMEs
For digital developers – a new call from Norway Grants

Science, Innovation and Technology Agency (MITA) invites Lithuanian companies, who implement new information and communication technology solutions to participate in the Norway Grants program and receive an investment up to 1 million EUR. “The COVID-19 pandemic is not only a huge challenge, but also a unique opportunity for businesses to develop and market their digital services and products.

2020 11 11 11:00

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81 applications received from Latvia in the 3rd competition of the Baltic Research Program
81 applications received from Latvia in the 3rd competition of the Baltic Research Program

The submission of applications for international cooperation projects for the Baltic Research Program 3 rd call of Latvian proposal has been completed.

2020 10 21 13:46

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