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Interactive map and dashboard to help municipalities prepare for climate change

Employees of municipalities, other institutions, organisations and citizens can now use a new tool - an interactive map and a dashboard - to see how the climate will change in every municipality in Lithuania by 2100.The tool is expected to help municipalities adapt to climate change and to prepare for emergencies.
The dashboard has two parts. The toolbar in the first part allows you to select an optimistic or pessimistic climate change scenario, timeframes and projection indicators. Three blocks of indicators are shown: precipitation and hydrology, wind and sea, temperature and sun. Specific indicators can be analysed in more detail. Selecting the desired information in this part of the dashboard provides an overview of the overall situation in Lithuania.
By selecting the municipality of interest on the interactive map, the second part of the dashboard displays a summary of the forecast information generated for the indicators for that particular area of the country.
The projections show that by the end of this century, average annual temperatures in Lithuania will increase from 1.2 ℃ in the more optimistic scenario to 2.8 ℃ in the more pessimistic scenario. The highest warming is expected in December-January (3.9-4.4℃) and the lowest in May-July (1.9-2.1℃).
The number of cold days with daily minimum temperatures below -15 °C will fall from 9.5 days to 3 days in the more optimistic scenario and to 4.8 days in the more pessimistic scenario, to an average of 4.7 cold days per year by the end of the century.
The average duration of heatwaves is also projected to increase, from the current 2 to 7 days per year. The projected average increase in precipitation in Lithuania ranges from 42 mm or 6% in the more optimistic scenario to 98 mm or 14% in the more pessimistic scenario.
This is the first time that climate change projections of this level of detail have been prepared at municipal level in Lithuania. This tool will allow municipal workers and anyone interested to see in more detail how the climate will change in different municipalities in Lithuania, or to compare changes between them. It will also help to plan appropriate climate change adaptation measures.
The dashboard is part of the ClimAdapt-LT project, funded by the European Economic Area and Norway Financial Mechanism‘s Environment, Energy, Climate Change Programme. The project is implemented by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, supervised by the Central Project Management Agency (CPVA).

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