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Lithuania’s innovation ecosystem is still lagging behind other countries of similar development and size. The efficiency of Lithuanian innovation system, as well as its effect on economic performance and competitiveness, are still low. Relatively modest public investment in research and experimental development in business, export of technology and innovative services can be identified as weaknesses of the country. 

On the contrary, Norway’s innovation performance is above expectations for its level of development. Recognizing R&D&I as an important measure for encouragement of the private sector to invest into innovation development, in the period 2016-2020 increased research and development (R&D) funding was allocated to offset parts of the R&D investment decline that followed activity reductions in the Norwegian petroleum sector.

To make progress, the government of Lithuania have been implementing a reform  aiming at reorganisation of state institutions providing business and innovation-related support. With the aim to explore successfully employed strategies and measures for fostering innovation in Norway, the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) with a Norwegian partner – Innovation Norway implemented a bilateral project under the Fund for Bilateral Relations under the financial contribution from the EEA and the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021. The aim of the project was to provide a practical guidance for public institutions responsible for formation and implementation of the innovation policy in Lithuania based on the Norwegian experience.

As the outcome of the project, a “Paper on Proposals for Improvement of Lithuanian Innovation System, Including Measures for Promoting Innovation and Strengthening Lithuanian-Norwegian relations in the Field of Innovation” was drafted (which can be found here)The Paper presents an overview of insights on the establishment of dynamic innovation ecosystem, which have been accumulated as a result of exploration of practices and measures adopted for fostering innovation in private and public sectors in Norway. Moreover, the Paper puts forward recommendations with regard to Lithuanian – Norwegian cooperation in field of innovation.


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