Working together for green, competetive and inclusive Europe


The edible coating formulated with liquid acid whey protein and bioactive compounds, and biopackaging for safety and quality of probiotic cheese

Project promoter: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Project title: The edible coating formulated with liquid acid whey protein and bioactive compounds, and biopackaging for safety and quality of probiotic cheese
Project code: LT08-1-ŠMSM-K01-003 (Project contract No S-BMT-21-10 (LT08-2-LMT-K-01-046))
Project eligible expenditure: EUR 973530 (EUR 827500,5 grant from the EEA Financial Mechanism and EUR 146029,5 budget co-financing) 
Project signature date: 10 December 2020
Project implementation period: 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2023
Project partners: 
Nofima (NO)
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LV)
Biotechnology competence centre (BioCC) (EE)
Project website

Project summary:
Acknowledging existing demand for sustainable, safe and healthy food systems, a project team recognizes the opportunities to expand the usage of natural bioactive components and liquid acid whey in a form of cheese coating and bio packaging and sets up the project idea. The idea is to develop an edible coating formulated with liquid acid whey protein concentrate and bio active compounds, in combination with biodegradable packaging to ensure safety, extend the shelf life and enhance functionality of probiotic cheese.
The results of BIOCOAT project are beneficial to: 
  • environment and economy through rediscovering dairy waste ware acid whey as a resource and reducing waste by employing biodegradable packaging systems;  
  • food businesses through launched environmentally friendly bio-protective edible packaging made from dairy waste waters (acid whey); 
  • citizens and consumers through shifting food choices towards health and sustainability;  
  • academia through new knowledge on innovative sustainable packaging systems and their impact on food quality, safety and consumers health. 

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